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GATO NEGRO, EL / POE, EDGAR ALLAN; ROLFE, DORIS by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: MADRID :ANAYA 2006 Physical description: 222 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1), IES Virxe do Mar (1),

ESCARABAJO DE ORO,EL /LOS CRIMENES DE LA CALLE MORGUE by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: BARCELONA :VICENS VIVES 1994 Physical description: 37 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

CUENTOS by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: MADRID :ALIANZA 1991 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

NARRACION DE ARTHUR GORDON PYM, LA by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: MADRID :ANAYA 1986 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

ESCARABELLO DE OURO E OUTROS CONTOS, O by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: VIGO :XERAIS 1985 Physical description: 19 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

CUENTOS by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: MADRID :ALIANZA 1991 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

CUENTOS by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: MADRID :ALIANZA 1995 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

El gato negro y otros cuentos de horror / Edgar Allan Poe ; introducción, notas y propuestas de trabajo, Manuel Broncano ; traducción, Julio-César Santoyo, Manuel Broncano ; ilustración, Jesús Gabán [ by Poe, Edgar Allan ( Publication: Barcelona :Vicens-Vives 2005 Physical description: XLVI, 146, 32 p. :il. col. y n. ;20cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

Relatos cómicos: by Poe, Edgar Allan Publication: Madrid :P.P.P. Juvenil 1985 Physical description: 159 p. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

TALES OF MISTERY AND IMAGINATION by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: ESSEX :LONGMAN 1992 Physical description: 7 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (10),

AVENTURAS DE ARTHUR GORDON PYM, AS by POE, EDGAR ALLAN Publication: VIGO :XERAIS 1997 Physical description: 212 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

Historias / Edgar Allan Poe   Publication: BARCELONA :NORMA EDITORIAL 2015 Physical description: 310 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

Cuentos macabros / Edgar Allan Poe by Poe, Edgar Allan Publication: Madrid :Edelvives 2020 Physical description: 215 p :il ;28cm Academic level: 5º-6º Primaria , ADU Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

The black cat and other stories / POE, Edgar Allan ; retold by David Wharry ; series editors ; Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter by POE, Edgar Allan Publication: Essex (England) :Pearson Education Limited 1991 Physical description: 38 p. :il. br. e n. ;20cm Academic level: ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (2),

Esperando unha chamada : esperando una llamada : awaiting for a call : [exposición] / Xoán Anleo... [et al.]   Publication: [Santiago de Compostela] :Xunta de Galicia 2003 Physical description: 115 p :fot ;26cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

El Gran Libro del Miedo : 20 + 1 relatos para temblar Valls, Xavier by Valls, Xavier Publication: Barcelona :Parramón 2005 Physical description: 108 p :il ;29cm Academic level: ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

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