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La lista de Schindler = Schindler's List / una película de Steven Spielberg, screenplay by Steven Zallian, produced by Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen, Branko Lustig, music by John Williams, director of photography, Janusz Kaminski   Publication: Madrid :distribuida por Universal Pictures Iberia 2007 Physical description: 2 DVD (187 min.) :son., bl. e n ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

Hitler y Alemania : El horror nazi (1933-1945) / Solar Cubillas, David by Solar Cubillas, David Publication: Madrid : Anaya 2011 Physical description: 128 p. : il. cor e b/n ; 20 cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC , 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Virxe do Mar (1),

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